function ExecAndCapture(const ACmdLine: string; var AOutput: string): Integer; const cBufferSize = 2048; var vBuffer: Pointer; vStartupInfo: TStartUpInfo; vSecurityAttributes: TSecurityAttributes; vReadBytes: DWord; vProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; vStdInPipe : TAnoPipe; vStdOutPipe: TAnoPipe; begin Result := 0; with vSecurityAttributes do begin nlength := SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes); binherithandle := True; lpsecuritydescriptor := nil; end; // Create anonymous pipe for standard input if not CreatePipe(vStdInPipe.Output, vStdInPipe.Input, @vSecurityAttributes, 0) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to create pipe for standard input. System error message: ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); try // Create anonymous pipe for standard output (and also for standard error) if not CreatePipe(vStdOutPipe.Output, vStdOutPipe.Input, @vSecurityAttributes, 0) then raise Exception.Create('Failed to create pipe for standard output. System error message: ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); try GetMem(vBuffer, cBufferSize); try // initialize the startup info to match our purpose FillChar(vStartupInfo, Sizeof(TStartUpInfo), #0); vStartupInfo.cb := SizeOf(TStartUpInfo); vStartupInfo.wShowWindow:= SW_HIDE; // we don't want to show the process // assign our pipe for the process' standard input vStartupInfo.hStdInput := vStdInPipe.Output; // assign our pipe for the process' standard output vStartupInfo.hStdOutput := vStdOutPipe.Input; vStartupInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESTDHANDLES or STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; if not CreateProcess(nil , PChar(ACmdLine) , @vSecurityAttributes , @vSecurityAttributes , True , NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS , nil , nil , vStartupInfo , vProcessInfo) then raise Exception.Create('Failed creating the console process. System error msg: ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError)); try // wait until the console program terminated while WaitForSingleObject(vProcessInfo.hProcess, 50)=WAIT_TIMEOUT do Sleep(0); // clear the output storage AOutput := ''; // Read text returned by the console program in its StdOut channel repeat ReadFile(vStdOutPipe.Output, vBuffer^, cBufferSize, vReadBytes, nil); if vReadBytes > 0 then begin AOutput := AOutput + StrPas(vBuffer); Inc(Result, vReadBytes); end; until (vReadBytes < cBufferSize); finally CloseHandle(vProcessInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(vProcessInfo.hThread); end; finally FreeMem(vBuffer); end; finally CloseHandle(vStdOutPipe.Input); CloseHandle(vStdOutPipe.Output); end; finally CloseHandle(vStdInPipe.Input); CloseHandle(vStdInPipe.Output); end; end;
Reference :
You can also check another code which can capture and display on application in realtime at Capture Console Output To Memo in RealTime