In case that you have service on /etc/init.d/ but it does not start automatically, you can simply enable it by run chkconfig function.

chkconfig <service_name listed on /etc/init.d> on

Below case shows the list of service in /etc/init.d

# ls
enewtown-confluence  lp-confluence  network          qsok-jira
functions            netconsole     qsok-confluence  README

You can make a service enable to run on boot by chkconfig like below

# chkconfig lp-confluence on
# chkconfig enewtown-confluence on
# chkconfig qsok-confluence on
# chkconfig qsok-jira on

Service doesn't support error when you run chkconfig

If you face following error when you run chkconfig like below, you should add some remark tags on top of the script.

# chkconfig qsok-jira on
Service doesn't support

In above case, you should add below scripts on top of the file


# Provides:      qsok-jira
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog $time $named
# Required-Stop:    $remote_fs $syslog $time $named
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:     0 1 6
# Short-Description: Blah Blah
# Description: Blah Blah