I had some projects needs to put its own secret key when they needed, and the secret key should not be exist as an alternative file or stored in any secret place in order to have mobility - meaning that application having a secret key should be able to use in any PC/Laptop. The easiest approach can do that is adding an additional information at the end of the binary file.
Below code shows the way to save the necessary secret information in Delphi. For your information, if you want to increase the size of the message, you should increase the value of CK_MAX_MSG_LEN below.
const CK_SINGATURE = '!CK!'; const CK_MAX_MSG_LEN = 1024*8; function CKReadPassword(sFileName:string):string; var lenPWD: WORD; buff: PAnsiChar; sFile: TFileStream; sEncryptedPWD: AnsiString; begin GetMem( buff, CK_MAX_MSG_LEN); ZeroMemory( buff, CK_MAX_MSG_LEN); if FileExists(sFileName) then begin sFile := TFileStream.Create( sFileName, fmOpenRead); if sFile.Handle<>THandle(nil) then begin sFile.Seek( -4, soFromEnd); sFile.Read( PAnsiChar(buff)^, 4); if buff=CK_SINGATURE then begin // has master key, so need to erase it sFile.Seek( -6, soFromEnd); sFile.Read( lenPwd, 2); sFile.Seek( -(lenPWD + 6), soFromEnd); sFile.Read( PAnsIChar(buff)^, lenPWD); Result := trim(string(buff)); end; sFile.Destroy; end; end; FreeMem(buff); end; function CKUpdatePassword(sFileName, sPWD:String):Boolean; var sFile: TFileStream; lenPWD, lenPWD_old: WORD; sEncryptedPWD: AnsiString; buff: PAnsiChar; begin GetMem( buff, CK_MAX_MSG_LEN); ZeroMemory( buff, CK_MAX_MSG_LEN); if not FileExists(sFileName) then begin Result := False; end else begin lenPWD_old := 0; sFile := TFileStream.Create( sFileName, fmOpenReadWrite); if sFile.Handle<>THandle(nil) then begin sFile.Seek( -4, soFromEnd); sFile.Read( PAnsiChar(buff)^, 4); if buff=CK_SINGATURE then begin // has master key, so need to erase it sFile.Seek( -6, soFromEnd); sFile.Read( lenPwd, 2); sFile.Seek( -(lenPWD + 6), soFromEnd); lenPWD_old := lenPWD; end else sFile.Seek( 0, soFromEnd); while Length(sPWD)<lenPWD_old do sPWD := sPWD + ' '; sEncryptedPWD := AnsiString(sPWD); lenPWD := Length(sEncryptedPWD); if (lenPWD>CK_MAX_MSG_LEN) then begin // Too long encrypted password Result := False end else begin sFile.Write( PAnsiChar(sEncryptedPWD)^, lenPWD); sFile.Write( lenPWD, 2); sFile.Write( PAnsiChar(CK_SINGATURE)^, 4); Result := True; end; sFile.Destroy; end else Result := False; end; FreeMem(buff); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin if not FileExists(eMasterFile.Text) then begin ShowMessage( 'Please select program file you want'); end else begin if (CKUpdatePassword( eMasterFile.Text, ePWD.Text)=True) then begin ShowMessage('Successfully Changed !!'); Close; end; end; end;
Below code provides better secure way to store secret key
uses IdCoder, IdCoderMIME, IdGlobal; . . . const CK_SINGATURE = '!CK!'; const CK_SINGATURE_KEY = 'ChunKang'; const CK_MAX_MSG_LEN = 1024*8; const CK_ENC_VAR_RANGE=10; function CKEncrypt(const Source:string; Salt:string): string; var i, lenSalt, key, keyWeight: Word; InString: string; begin Result := ''; if (Salt = '') then begin Result := Source; end else begin InString := TIdEncoderMIME.EncodeString(Source, IndyTextEncoding_UTF8); lenSalt := Length(Salt); keyWeight := 0; for i := 1 to lenSalt do keyWeight := keyWeight + ord(Salt[i]); keyWeight := keyWeight mod CK_ENC_VAR_RANGE; for i := 1 to Length(InString) do begin key := ( ord(Salt[(i mod lenSalt) + 1]) mod CK_ENC_VAR_RANGE); Result := Result + CHAR(Byte(InString[i]) + key - keyWeight); end; end; end; function CKDecrypt(const InString:string; Salt:string): string; var i, lenSalt, key, keyWeight: Word; Target: string; begin if (Salt = '') then begin Target := InString; end else begin lenSalt := Length(Salt); keyWeight := 0; for i := 1 to lenSalt do keyWeight := keyWeight + ord(Salt[i]); keyWeight := keyWeight mod CK_ENC_VAR_RANGE; Target := ''; for i := 1 to Length(InString) do begin key := ( ord(Salt[(i mod lenSalt) + 1]) mod CK_ENC_VAR_RANGE); Target := Target + CHAR(Byte(InString[i]) - key + keyWeight); end; Result := TIdDecoderMIME.DecodeString(Target, IndyTextEncoding_UTF8); end; end; function CKReadPassword(sFileName:string):string; var lenPWD: WORD; buff: PAnsiChar; tmp: AnsiString; sFile: TFileStream; sEncryptedPWD: AnsiString; begin GetMem( buff, CK_MAX_MSG_LEN); ZeroMemory( buff, CK_MAX_MSG_LEN); if FileExists(sFileName) then begin sFile := TFileStream.Create( sFileName, fmOpenRead); if sFile.Handle<>THandle(nil) then begin sFile.Seek( -4, soFromEnd); sFile.Read( PAnsiChar(buff)^, 4); if buff=CK_SINGATURE then begin // has master key, so need to erase it sFile.Seek( -6, soFromEnd); sFile.Read( lenPwd, 2); sFile.Seek( -(lenPWD + 6), soFromEnd); sFile.Read( PAnsIChar(buff)^, lenPWD); tmp := ansiString(string(buff)); tmp := CKDecrypt( tmp, CK_SINGATURE_KEY); Result := Trim(tmp); end; sFile.Destroy; end; end; FreeMem(buff); end; function CKUpdatePassword(sFileName, sPWD:String):Boolean; var buff: PAnsiChar; sFile: TFileStream; lenPWD, lenPWD_old: WORD; sEncryptedPWD: AnsiString; begin GetMem( buff, CK_MAX_MSG_LEN); ZeroMemory( buff, CK_MAX_MSG_LEN); if not FileExists(sFileName) then begin Result := False; end else begin lenPWD_old := 0; sFile := TFileStream.Create( sFileName, fmOpenReadWrite); if sFile.Handle<>THandle(nil) then begin sFile.Seek( -4, soFromEnd); sFile.Read( PAnsiChar(buff)^, 4); if buff=CK_SINGATURE then begin // has master key, so need to erase it sFile.Seek( -6, soFromEnd); sFile.Read( lenPwd, 2); sFile.Seek( -(lenPWD + 6), soFromEnd); lenPWD_old := lenPWD; end else sFile.Seek( 0, soFromEnd); while Length(sPWD)<lenPWD_old do sPWD := sPWD + ' '; sEncryptedPWD := CKEncrypt(sPWD, CK_SINGATURE_KEY); lenPWD := Length(sEncryptedPWD); if (lenPWD>CK_MAX_MSG_LEN) then begin // too long message length Result := False; end else begin sFile.Write( PAnsiChar(sEncryptedPWD)^, lenPWD); sFile.Write( lenPWD, 2); sFile.Write( PAnsiChar(CK_SINGATURE)^, 4); Result := True; end; sFile.Destroy; end else Result := False; end; FreeMem(buff); end; procedure Test; begin CKUpdatePassword( "c:\foo.exe", "hello kitty"); ShowMessage( CKReadPassword( "c:\foo.exe")); end;