CentOS is a Linux distribution that provides a free, community-supported computing platform functionally compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In January 2014, CentOS announced the official joining with Red Hat while staying independent from RHEL, under a new CentOS governing board. CentOS 8 is based on Fedora 28 and upstream kernel 4.18: Python 3.6 and limited support for Python 2.7, PHP 7.2, Ruby 2.5, Perl 5.26, MariaDB 10.3, MySQL 8.0, PostgreSQL 10, PostgreSQL 9.6, Redis 5, and etc,

In my case, followings are the steps when I setup CentOS 8.

  1. Install htop on CentOS 7 / CentOS 8
  2. Install lynx on CentOS 7 / CentOS 8
  3. Set Hostname on CentOS 7 / CentOS 8
  4. Set static IP address on CentOS 7 / CentOS 8
  5. Enable/disable network interface on CentOS 7 / CentOS 8
  6. Configure Firewall on CentOS 8
  7. Remove/Manage services on CentOS 8

You can find more information associated with CentOS 8 below.

  • Configure Firewall on CentOS 8On CentOS 8, the default firewall is firewalld, which is used to manage iptables rules on the server. To enable and start the firewalld service on the server, run the following commands.
  • Enable/disable network interface on CentOS 7 / CentOS 8Once you are done with network configuration, you need to run nmtui-connect to enable/disable network interface based on your need.
  • Install htop on CentOS 7 / CentOS 8htop is a good option to monitor your system interactively. In order to install htop, you will need to use dnf. If you cannot install htop by yum, you will need to follow following procedure on CentOS 8.
  • Install lynx on CentOS 7 / CentOS 8I usually use lynx to check website on my terminal, because  and it does not require to be on graphical environment - meaning I can see its content on terminal console. It can be installed by adding PowerTools repository in Yum.
  • Install MySQL on CentOS 8When you install MySQL on CentOS 8, you will need to install other associated packages as well. It can be easily solved by @ option when you call yum command.
  • Install PHP on CentOS 8You need to run yum in order to use PHP after setup your CentOS 8. Even though you have httpd, PHP may need to be installed manually. For compatibility with various applications like PHPMyAdmin, PHP-based server management, you will need to install additional libraries.
  • Remove/Manage services on CentOS 8ss or netstat are useful command line tool can list up open ports combined with network services for TCP/UDP. And you can stop/disable/remove that service by systemctl and dnf. Finally you can see process tree by pstree or htop to discover and identify all the process running on your server.
  • Set Hostname on CentOS 7 / CentOS 8nmtui-hostname is useful command in CentOS 8 which promt you to enter your machine hostname and press OK to finish.
  • Set static IP address on CentOS 7 / CentOS 8CentOS provides a command line tool - mntui-edit - it will help you to change the necessary internet settings easily.